Wednesday 1 June 2011


I'm not really allowed to talk about it. But I'm on my third week. I don't like it anymore. I've run out of sexual fantasies to have about the barristers, I've filled my paper 'for taking notes on the case' with caricatures of the judge, I've closely studied every loose horsehair and every nuance of the cloaks- they are, admittedly, impressive outfits. Tomorrow should be my last day. Yesterday I drew myself as an owl, about to eat a small pink barrister mouse, such is my dissatisfaction.

It is an interesting glimpse into our weird be-wigged law courts, and you might get an interesting, none-traumatic case. You might feel a warm glow because you're performing your civil duty. You might also meet some nice people on your jury and have some 'craic'. However the coffee is rubbish and there is every chance you will shuffle to your bus weeping every evening. Also, no, you don't get paid.

Interesting but traumatic, stressful, and a massive pain in the arse, JURY SERVICE gets 4/10.

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