Wednesday 1 June 2011


I am reviewing this man based on my experience of him. Which is that my band played with his band last weekend at The Cluny in Newcastle, and he touched my arm and gave me a cuddle. He's a nice man!

You may recognise him from this beautiful photo I took as the genius behind Thee Oh Sees and Coachwhips. I will openly admit I initially hated the poppy 'lalala' elements of The Oh Sees, but you can't blame me; you see it was a big departure from his previous delinquent, 100mph garage noise, which I loved, namely 'DID YOU CUM?' by Coachwhips. But they're a grower, not a shower. I now bum them with every inch of my groin, even their lame acoustic stuff. In fact 'Island Raiders' is so beautiful I sometimes get my dog and put my face in his fur to sniff his horrible dog smell so I don't cry. He's done loads more stuff. CHECK IT OUT.

Anyway John Dwyer spits a lot when he plays, has loads of cool guitars and a metric spunkload of charisma. THE LADIES WANNA BE HIM, THE DUDES WANNA DO HIM. The live set gave everyone a nipple-on; there's big wig-outs and speed ups and nothing sounds the same as it does on record. I don't want to be naive enough to suggest that 'EVERY SHOW IS UNIQUE!!', but it did feel a bit like that. We felt special. He dedicated a song to 'an orange girl' he fell in love with, making a sly dig at the gaggle of Geordie Shore style morons that had gathered around the venue earlier in the day, sitting on a grassy knoll at a music festival, paying no attention to any music.

He had no problems with signing the vinyls I passed him and even drew some cool glasses on on a record I had with me that has nothing to do with him. With a gold marker pen. What kind of man carries a golden marker pen around just incase some daft bitch comes over and wants something signing? John Dwyer, that's who.

I really hope this guy keeps churning out two albums a year. He plays the flute you know. The Oh Sees have just brought out Castlemania, which is a great summer garage album I have to say. I wanted it on vinyl, however there was none at the gig, as, it was explained to me, 'all the crazy French bought them'. Come back soon John Dwyer!

TOTAL DUDE. 10/10.

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